Introduction to Physical Computing

PComp: Playtest Feeback

original sketches & notes: View post on Play test setup: View post on feedback/notes: I received a lot of good, consistent, feedback. For the most part, feedback centered around making the mallet more squishy, and making improvements to the game to make it more interesting. I’ve highlighted the suggestions I plan on implementing: -> squishier mallet to provide more bounce-back and to create a less sharp noise. -> different types of moles for variety. -> a few flashyRead More

PComp: Final Project concept, BOM, planning

Assignment: Prototype for playtesting. Come up with an initial design for your final project’s user interface and develop a plan to user test your design with users with an interactive sketch.

PCOMP: Final Project Ideas

There’s a couple of ideas I’ve been tossing around for a final project. I seem to be gravitating towards games for the most part, though I’ve been trying to think of other options as well.

PComp: Serial Communication

This week, we began working on serial communication. While I initially followed the concepts in class, once I was working on it at home, I had some difficulty. The initial idea I had, was to combine the homework assignment for ICM, with the one for PCOMP. I had a wack-a-mole game that I did as part of my javaScript class at Columbus State Community College. I figured I could re-write the project for p5, and then control the mouse movementRead More

PComp: Buttons, digital input, adding interactive features, and printing to the console

I feel like I’m getting a better grasp on the tasks that are required to complete our labs. I’m working on getting the concepts down, and trying to push myself to expand on the labs. This week, I worked on adding a button that when pressed, printed the number of times the button had been pressed and that the button had been pressed.

Physical Computing: Observation

Our second assignment for the week was to observe people using interactive technology, preferably without them noticing.

Physical Computing: Digital Input and Output with Arduino

One of this week’s assignments was to come up with a simple digital or analog application. After confirming that I could re-create the lab we did in class, I moved on to see if I could have several LEDs blinking at different speeds controlled by a program. After trying unsuccessfully to get two LEDs going at once, I decided to start documenting my attempts on my blog.