Talking and Storytelling

Talking & Storytelling: Final Presentation

December 12, 2018 Talking and Storytelling

Talking & Storytelling has been one of the most helpful classes I’ve had this semester. It’s been really good for helping me to organize my thoughts into a cohesive concept for my thesis project, making the thesis application process that much easier.   My final presentation got off to a rocky start. I had problems getting the presenter notes on my laptop while displaying our slides on the tv behind me, and once I got it going, had problems getting myRead More

Talking & Storytelling: Revamped four minute speech and slides

December 5, 2018 Talking and Storytelling

I got a lot of good feedback from the class, and have a better idea of the changes I need to make going forward.  For example, I need to look up and engage the audience more.  I’m still working on making the giving of the speech more like a conversation, and less as something that was meant to be read.  Goals for next week’s final speech is to have a more polished deck, keep a better eye on time, andRead More

Talking & Storytelling: Four minute speech around thesis topic

December 1, 2018 Talking and Storytelling

Hello, my name is Kellee, and I’m here to talk about the experiences black children and young adults have as they learn to navigate their world.  I’d like you to try and imagine a time as a child when you had a serious conversation with your parents. Perhaps it was that a new sibling was on the way, your parent got a new job, and  the family was moving, maybe they wanted to talk about the way you dressed forRead More

Talking & Storytelling: 2 minute presentation

November 13, 2018 Talking and Storytelling

For this week, we were to take two random objects, and put together a 2 minute presentation about our topic/question using the random objects. My two objects were a high heeled Bratz Doll boot and a picture of a dancer in a backbend.   Using these objects I decided to frame my topic in the context of implicit and unintentional biases that affect Black girls in education.  My 2 minute presentation is as follows.  In today’s society, we often find thatRead More