In preparing for my final project, I ended up adding a component that I hoped would strengthen the project. While I still like the idea of having an interactive web based memorial that (I feel) would reach the most people, while allowing me to convey the most information, I also wanted something that would have a big visual impact. Something that could quickly and clearly show the person I’m memorializing, convey the public’s disgust with the system, and create a call to action to change the system.
Projection bombing is a technique that was pioneered by advertising agencies, that has more recently been adapted by campaign groups. For example, Resistance SF posting “@jack is #complicit” on twitter’s headquarters.

For my projection work, I’d like to project the image or possibly video of a victim of police brutality onto a police station or courthouse. Specifically the police station where the officer is stationed out of, or the courthouse that acquitted their killer.
This would accomplish four things:
1) It would serve as a reminder of the person killed in a humane way.
2) It would be a large, easily visible display that would draw attention.
3) It would keep the victim in the minds of people, not allowing them to be forgotten.
4) Direct viewers to web memorial by also showing a short web address.
I don’t see either one of my personas changing, I feel that they both still fit within the scope of the project, even with the addition. The user maps still pertain to the interactive web based memorial, but would possibly need to be tweaked for the projection work.
I see the projection work being the thing that grabs people’s attention, that will hopefully lead people to go to the web based memorial, that would give more information, as well as a call to action, detailing how viewers can get involved.
Overall, I’m pleased with the beginning of the project. I’d like to continue to iterate on it, with the idea of prototyping it out over the upcoming semester.