Animation: Thoughts, After Effects, and assets

November 14, 2017 Comm Lab: Animation

For the second section of Animation, I’m working with Kathy Wu on telling a story through animation with After Effects. After spending an afternoon researching little known folktales, we decided on Momotaro, a folktale from Japan. In the story, Momotaro, or Peach-Boy, is born out of a peach found by an old woman doing laundry. He goes on to be raised by a childless couple, and has adventures with animal friends he finds along the way.

Link to the folktale

Thus far, we’ve storyboarded the arc we want to tell, and have begun creating assets in photoshop to animate in After Effects. Still learning, but making progress.

practiceComp from Kellee Massey on Vimeo.

I’ve found creating the assets and animations to be fun, even if at times its frustrating learning as I go. I’m looking forward to continuing to work on this project and seeing how it turns out.